atb #53 | Discoteca Flaming Star

Dierk Schmidt

Discoteca Flaming Star
Wright of Derby + Looschen of Berlin

Opening Friday, September 5, 2014 at 7 pm
Exhibition September 6 – bis October 19, 2014

Oktober 19, 2014 at 7 pm: closing event
Performance by
Discoteca Flaming Star (CGB, WM, Sara Pereira)
+ special guest: Anti-Humboldt

open by Appointment on +49 178 3298106 or +49 178 3298107

text human remains_Dierk Schmidt & alfombra_DFS

atb #52 | FlipFlop Dancefloor

Bianca Rampas

FlipFlop Dancefloor

Saturday, August 23 — 11:00 – 19:00

As part of the Berlin Project Space Festival after the butcher will present „FlipFlop Dancefloor” on Saturday, August 23rd. Therefore artist Bianca Rampas will be covering the entire space’s floor with the used-up dance floor from the Berlin State Ballet, which she will transform bit by bit into flip-flop shoes, that eagerly await to be carried out into the world.

atb #49 | „V“ – Joachim Blank Heidi Specker

Joachim Blank, Heidi Specker

Opening Friday, March 14, 2014, at 7pm
Exhibition March 15 – April 19, 2014

V like „Victory“ – perhaps – V like Viktoria-Kiez in Berlin-Lichtenberg …

The exhibition title V refers to the inclined window position and the striking shop window facade of the Kunstraum after the butcher. Opposite it is an equally sloping wall, installed as an intervention in the interior. It forms the counterpart to the window surface in the interior and creates the V. The wall is part of an installation and at the same time a display for other exhibits. It obstructs the view into the interior and makes access to the exhibition space more difficult. However, room lighting, small glimpses and two pictures in the shop window refer to the interior.

atb #48 | Niina Lehtonen Braun & Jutta Eberhard

Opening Friday, January 24, 2014 at 7 pm
Exhibition Januar 25 – March 1, 2014
open by Appointment on +49 179 947 30 40 or +49 179 663 69 79

Workshop „rethink, reclaim & cut apart“ with Jutta Eberhard
on March 1, 2014 from 1-6 pm at After the Butcher.
application and contact: +49 160 96 200 688

Niina Lehtonen Braun – ohne Titel, 2014, Aquarell auf Papier

…otherwise you’ll catch your death…PDF
by Anita Seppä, Professor of Artistic Research, Helsini Art University

Jutta Eberhard – obj. 13, 2013, verschiedene Textilien

Was, wenn ich nicht dazu gehöre? oder
„I would prefer not to“ (Bartleby, der Schreiber)
About the works of Jutta Eberhard
by Nora Mayr  PDF

atb #47 | Immer noch allein, Karriereseife?

Vivi Abelson, Nadja Abt, Carl Berzow, Ellie de Verdier, Dominik Gajarský, Marius Glauer, Mathiew Greenfield, Cornelia Herfurtner, Annika Högner, Fred Laur, Anastasia Mandel, John MacLean, Jana Mendelski, Lou Mouw, Johannes Ernst Nowak, Anton Nesretiep, Sarah Rosengarten, Johanna Stock, Johanna Tauber, Michel Wagenschütz, Franziska Wildt, Lisa Woite 

Opening Friday, December 7, 2013 from 7pm

Exhibition Dezember 8, 2013 -January 11, 2014
open by Appointment on 0179-9473040

Immer noch allein, Karriereseife?

Adopting this delicately charged question as its point of departure, Klasse Josephine Pryde / UdK, Berlin investigated ingredients of masculinity, in order to collectively produce some hand-crafted soap. The investigation of masculinity followed on from an investigation of feminism, which followed on from an investigation of infinity, which will by definition never cease.

Soap: I abject myself. In the very moment I spit, I establish myself. What am I?

Rectum: You might be anything that is, judging from what you say. But the way you smile, complacently, effervescently, bubbling away…I would guess you are a detergent, a dissolver of some sort. An inverted borderliner. Aligning to the rules.

Soap: Fuck, Rectum, it’s you!

To watch Video:

Masters of the Territory
password: AtB
password: atb

atb #46 | Scratching


A Project by Martin Zawadzki

Opening Friday, Oktober 25, 2013 from 19 pm
Video- and Audio-Liveperformance with
Ursula Scherrer, New York, and Moritz Fehr, Berlin,
at 20:00 pm and 21:30 pm

Exhibition October 25 – November 23, 2013

Text by Clemens Kruemmel SCRATCHING | |

Gefördert mit Mitteln des Senats
für kulturelle Angelegenheiten Berlin

atb #45 | The New Flesh

Monika Baer, Michael Dougan, Robert Estermann, Gregory Maass & Nayoungim, Felix Reidenbach, Alexander Roob, Dierk Schmidt, Xiaopeng Zhou

with Monika Baer, Michael Dougan, Robert Estermann, Gregory Maass & Nayoungim, Felix Reidenbach, Alexander Roob, Dierk Schmidt, Xiaopeng Zhou  
Eine Ausstellung des Melton Prior Instituts für Reportagezeichnung, Düsseldorf, zusammengestellt von Clemens Krümmel    

Opening Friday, September 13, 2013 at 7pm
Exhibition September 13 – October 18, 2013     

after the butcher · Spittastraße 25 · 10317 Berlin  

open by Appointment on +49 179 947 3040 or +49 179 6636979  
During Berlin Art Week: 17.–22.9.2013 open 14–19 pm

Gefördert mit Mitteln der STIFTUNG KUNSTFONDS BONN  ·

Ausstellungsraum für zeitgenössische Kunst und soziale Fragen